A Little Chatter

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Dreams Do Come True

Dreams do come true. I, at many points in my life, have given up on dreams. I gave up on the dream to be a Major League baseball player a long time ago. That is all I ever wanted as a kid, but when I didn't get the skill set to match the job description, I let that dream die.

I have noticed that God gives me new dreams. Dreams that I never would have had as a kid, I have now. I dream about seeing a teen baptize another teen into Christ. I honestly would have to admit that has not always been a dream of mine (I know I am a creep). I always want to see people baptized, it's the coolest thing on earth. It's not that I didn't want to see it, it's that I wanted to be the one involved. I wanted to take the stage. Through time, God has changed my heart. I realize how great a thrill it is for me to have the opportunity and then I had an epiphany, I thought "Why don't you let someone else feel that joy?" Then I thought, "Can I deal with being replaced?" That last one is a threatening thought.

It is a tough thing to learn that you can be replaced. I think I used to spend a lot of time in fear of it. I used to believe that some how I am indespensable. Like somehow, humanity will not continue without the likes of me. Man, Satan can puff me up so quickly.

I don't know when the day was that I discovered my life's theme. But I do know that it is so cool when that theme, that dream comes true. I want to make disciples, who makes disciples, who make disciples, who make disciples, (repeat that throughout time). That's my purpose - to make disciple makers. So, when I see a young person lead a friend to Jesus, it shakes me to the core. I cannot help but have tears to see it take place. I cannot help but be thrilled from head to toe when it happens.

The sweet thing is, I saw it happen this past week. Not once, but twice. I have no greater thrill than seeing someone get it and then turn around and pass it on to someone else. It just about makes my heart explode.

Psalm 37:4 rings true - "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart."

Now, if I can just weed out the rest of what's left of me...


  • At 11:53 AM, Blogger Kristy said…

    Matt, check out Ryan Shupe & the Rubberband... song called "Dream Big" made me thing of the song while I was reading your post. love it :)

  • At 2:08 PM, Blogger ret said…

    I've recently enlarged my dream territory as well...it's not such a stretch to have prayed for Shawna to call Jesus, Lord...but for some reason I never really prayed beyond that until the last year or so. Now my dreams reach much farther into the future. A future I'm excited about being able to pray for in the here and now...Even this morning I stood over a baptistery under construction and commented that my grandchildren will one day stand there making the coolest decision of their lives. Hope I live long enough to enjoy it.

    Happy for you!


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